Sunday, March 21, 2010

Arguing in Relief society

I had an interesting experience today in Relief Society that made me really sad and frustrated. I was sharing something I had learned from my personal study of the lesson. There were several people who disagreed and raised their voice and told me differently. I tried to defend myself and follow through with my thought, but I couldn't talk over them so I just finally said that I would shut up and not saying anything else. I was so turned off by the experience that I totally shut down and tuned out the rest of the lesson and just read my scriptures. Scott said I should have just gotten up and walked out, but that would have made a huge scene and I didn't feel comfortable doing that.

I'm frustrated because this isn't the first time this has happened either. Over the last few months, this same situation has occurred several times. A sister has a comment, someone disagrees and then jumps down their throat about it. It is so awkward, uncomfortable and frankly uncalled for! We shouldn't ever put someone down or make them feel stupid for a thought or opinion they may have.

What do you do in these types of situations? I think that disagreeing with someone is totally normal, but the way it is handled can be tricky. I am hoping that we can resolve this little problem we have in our ward.


  1. That is tough! I actually wish there were more disagreement in church meetings. Sometimes, people don't want to say anything, even when what is being taught is false doctrine.

    But being rude and disagreeing are two different things. I'm sorry. That sucks.

  2. I'm sorry. Just tell them all I said shut up. There are some things about that ward that I do not miss! And many things that I do! Don't let them get you down. We all have diferent understandings of things and are at different levels of understanding. It doesn't mean it's wrong. Hugs!

  3. I hope it wasn't something that I said. I agreed with you I thought. I have noticed it more since our ward split. Maybe we should have our own discussions outside of RS and we won't participate in the lesson. I hate how the lesson always seems to go on a tangent too. I was about to walk out also on Sunday.

  4. Becky- it wasn't anything you said. There has been in increase of bickering in RS and I hate it! It makes it so people aren't going to participate or say anything anymore. I agree on the tangents for the lessons. I wish they would stick to the material and not preach according to whatever they think it is. I'm over what happened on Sunday. It is still irritating, but I am going to keep reading my lesson and be prepared. That way, if the lesson gets off course and never recovers, I will have at least done my part in learning the lesson.

  5. Leanne, I just read your blog post! I am soooo sorry that you had this experience. I don't hear a lot of the bickering and drama because of YW and I guess I am grateful for that. You arre such a wonderful sweet spirit, don't let anyone make you feel as if you are not.

  6. Connected to your blog from BBC -- anyway, just learned of an experience in my inlaws ward last week where something similar happened in the Gospel Principles class, except names were called and swearing began. My FIL is the Sunday School president and he took care of the matter immediately...I'd suggest speaking with your SS president about the general situation. I'm sure something can be said to remedy the problem. I'm also sure other sisters are in your shoes sometimes too!
